Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Funding

TCEQ Funding Assistance at Lonestar

Lonestar Integrated Solutions secures funding for fleet electrification through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), leveraging resources from the Volkswagen settlement and various green programs. Public fleets can access 100% cost coverage, while private fleets are eligible for up to 75%. Navigating the bid process can be complex, and Lonestar is committed to guiding clients through, particularly in areas where they may have limited knowledge, ensuring a seamless and successful transition.
What Is Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Funding?
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) funding supports initiatives focused on environmental improvements, including fleet electrification. TCEQ provides financial assistance to both public and private fleets, covering a significant portion of costs to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices.

Start a Conversation Today About Your TCEQ Funding Needs Today

Are you searching for funding for your new EV charging station? Start a conversation with our team of experts and discover how TCEQ funding can be a game changer.

Let’s Talk

Our Tailored TCEQ Funding Services

At Lonestar Integrated Solutions, our tailored Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) funding services are designed to simplify and optimize the process of accessing financial assistance for environmentally conscious projects. Here’s a breakdown of our comprehensive offerings:

  • Specialized Expertise: Our team possesses in-depth knowledge of TCEQ funding programs, ensuring clients benefit from specialized expertise in navigating complex requirements.
  • Fleet Electrification Focus: Our services are particularly attuned to fleet electrification initiatives, providing clients with dedicated support for transitioning to sustainable, energy-efficient transportation solutions.
  • Public Fleet Coverage: Public fleets can take advantage of our services to secure 100% coverage of project costs, minimizing financial burdens and accelerating the adoption of environmentally friendly practices.
  • Private Fleet Assistance: Private fleets can access up to 75% coverage, benefitting significantly from TCEQ funding while contributing to a more sustainable future.
  • Comprehensive Guidance: Lonestar offers end-to-end support, guiding clients through the bid process and addressing potential challenges, especially in areas where clients may have limited familiarity, ensuring a seamless and successful funding experience.

Partner With the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Funding Experts Today

Fill out our form today to work with the best TCEQ funding assistance provider in Texas.