Recognizing the need for an extensive and reliable network of charging stations, the United States government established the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program. This initiative is designed to accelerate the development of EV charging infrastructure across the country, so electric vehicle owners have access to convenient and reliable charging options. This blog provides an overview of NEVI funding, the requirements for securing such funding, and specific standards that apply to the Texas region.

An Overview of NEVI Funding

The NEVI program is part of a broader federal effort to promote the adoption of electric vehicles and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Established under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), NEVI allocates $5 billion in funding over five years to develop a national network of EV charging stations. This funding aims to fill the gaps in charging infrastructure, particularly in rural and underserved areas, to support a robust and accessible charging network for all EV users.

The Key Objectives of NEVI

  1. Expand Charging Infrastructure: The primary goal of NEVI funding is to expand the availability of EV charging stations across the nation. This includes installing charging stations along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs) and other strategic locations to facilitate long-distance travel and daily commuting for EV owners.
  2. Promote Equity and Accessibility: NEVI prioritizes funding for projects that enhance accessibility to EV charging in underserved and rural communities. The program aims to ensure that all Americans, regardless of location or income, have access to reliable charging infrastructure.
  3. Support Economic Growth: The expansion of EV infrastructure is expected to drive economic growth by creating jobs in installing and maintaining charging stations.
  4. Enhance Environmental Sustainability: By supporting the transition to electric vehicles, NEVI aims to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. This aligns with broader federal and state goals for environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation.

NEVI Funding Requirements: Everything You Need To Know

Securing NEVI funding involves meeting specific requirements and standards that ensure the effective operation of EV charging infrastructure:

Planning and Installation Considerations for EV Chargers for Multi-Family Properties

Installing EV charging infrastructure during a building’s construction phase is easier and more cost-effective than retrofitting an existing framework.

Eligible Entities

NEVI funding is available to many entities, including state and local governments, transportation agencies, private companies, non-profit organizations, and tribal governments. Collaboration between public and private entities is encouraged to utilize expertise and resources.

Project Location

Projects seeking NEVI funding must be strategically located to maximize their impact on the national charging network. This includes prioritizing locations along designated AFCs, urban areas with high traffic volume, and rural communities with limited access to charging infrastructure.

Charger Specifications

NEVI-funded charging stations must adhere to specific technical standards. These standards include:


  • Charger Type: DC fast chargers are preferred because they deliver rapid charging times, making them ideal for long-distance travel and high-demand locations.
  • Connector Standards: Chargers must support common connector types, such as CCS (Combined Charging System) and CHAdeMO, to accommodate a wide range of EV models.
  • Power Output: Stations must provide sufficient power output to meet the needs of modern EVs, typically offering a minimum of 150 kW for DC fast chargers.

Network and Data Requirements

NEVI-funded projects must integrate with existing charging networks and provide real-time data on station availability, usage, and performance. This data helps optimize network operations, improve user experience, and support future planning efforts.

Equity and Community Engagement

Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to equity and community engagement by prioritizing projects that benefit underserved communities and involve local stakeholders in the planning process. This includes outreach efforts to ensure that diverse perspectives are considered in developing charging infrastructure.

Maintenance and Reliability

To maintain a high level of service, NEVI-funded charging stations must have maintenance plans that allow for reliable operation and minimize downtime. These plans include regular inspections, repairs, and software updates to keep the equipment in optimal condition.

Ready to boost your project’s budget with NEVI funding? Let the team at Lonestar Integrated Solutions assist your next charging site build process!

3 Additional NEVI Standards and Guidelines

In addition to the general NEVI funding requirements, there are other specific standards and guidelines for the quality and consistency of charging infrastructure across the country. Some of these standards include:


  1. Safety Standards: NEVI mandates compliance with national safety standards for EV charging equipment, including electrical safety, fire protection, and accessibility requirements.
  2. Environmental Standards: Projects must adhere to environmental standards that minimize the impact of construction and operation on the natural environment. This includes measures to protect local ecosystems, reduce energy consumption, and manage waste responsibly.
  3. Design and Aesthetics: NEVI encourages using aesthetically pleasing designs that blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment. This includes landscaping, signage, and lighting to enhance the user experience.

NEVI Funding in Texas

As one of the largest and most populous states, Texas plays a critical role in the expansion of the national EV charging network. NEVI funding supports a range of projects across the state to address the unique challenges and opportunities.

Texas-Specific NEVI Funding Requirements

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is responsible for administering NEVI funding in the state. To align with Texas’s specific needs, TxDOT has developed additional guidelines and priorities for NEVI-funded projects:


  • Alternative Fuel Corridors: Texas has identified several key corridors for EV charging infrastructure development, including major highways and interstates connecting urban and rural areas. NEVI funding supports the installation of charging stations along these routes to facilitate long-distance travel.
  • Rural and Underserved Communities: Texas prioritizes projects that increase access to EV charging in rural and underserved communities, addressing the unique challenges residents face in these areas.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Texas encourages collaboration between public agencies and private companies to utilize resources and expertise in developing EV infrastructure. NEVI funding supports projects that involve partnerships to maximize the impact of the investment.
  • Innovation and Technology: Texas is committed to fostering innovation and technology in the EV charging sector. NEVI-funded projects are encouraged to incorporate cutting-edge technologies, such as smart grid integration, renewable energy sources, and advanced data analytics.

Funding Assistance From the Experts

Navigating the NEVI funding process can be challenging, but Lonestar Integrated Solutions is here to simplify your journey. We begin with a thorough evaluation of your EV charging station project, providing insights to optimize your approach. Our financial planning support ensures your budget meets NEVI guidelines, maximizing your funding potential. We also help with navigating regulatory hurdles and securing necessary permits.

To provide further support, our experts prepare compelling grant applications, project proposals, and budgets, enhancing your chances of securing up to 80% of your project’s costs through NEVI funding.

Consult With the Experts at Lonestar Integrated Solutions for NEVI Funding Assistance

Increase the budget for your EV charger station implementation with the help of Lonestar! Stop worrying about cutting necessary costs and let us get you the funding your project needs through NEVI grants. Reach out to get the application process started today.